quenthel baenre造句
- Quenthel Baenre's drow party eventually escapes the duergar city and makes it to Valas'contact ( Halisstra Melarn is captured by surface elves during this journey ).
- While this is all happening, Gromph Baenre is sending various demons to attack Quenthel Baenre, all taking the guise of various aspects of Lloth, e . g . a demon spider, a demon of chaos, a darkness demon, and others.
- Due to their success in exposing the rebel group, Pharaun and Ryld were chosen to be members of an expedition led by Quenthel Baenre whose purpose was to discover the cause of Lolth's Silence and obtain some merchandise co-owned by House Baenre and House Melarn in Ched Nasad.
- The members of the party were Pharaun Mizzrym, Ryld Argith ( weaponsmaster of House Argith and a Master of Melee Magtheree ), Halistra Melarn and Danifae Yauntyrr ( both of the now destroyed Ched Nasad ), Valas Hune ( scout of Bregan D'aerthe ), and Quenthel Baenre.
- It's difficult to find quenthel baenre in a sentence. 用quenthel baenre造句挺难的